2012 National Championships Come To An End

TAP – Nationals 2012 – North Charleston, SC.  TAP, LLC  held its National Event, inspiring the Best of The Best .

TAP's National Event was kicked off Nov. 2nd at the Embassy Suites and Convention Center in Charleston N.C.  TAP Corporate is happy to provide a Welcome Party for the player's who have made it there. 

The Best of the Best Teams from all over the USA and Canada came to play for the coveted "National Titles in 8 Ball and 9 Ball Team and Singles events". TAP's signature event "Rally Blue & Gray Dream Team event" was also held in conjunction with the Nationals.

Play started on November 3rd and continued through November 6th, when the winners were awarded their prizes and trophies in all events. 

McDermott Handcrafted Cues, TAP’s Cue Sponsor, was onsite with TAP Members Only Specials, and provided instruction and sales of their products.

D & D Cue Repair provided repair and cleaning of the players cues, as they do at all TAP events.

Connoisseur Cues and Billy’s Billiard Supplies were also on hand at the event selling a variety of high end cues, custom cues and pool accessories.

Sharkin U Apparel once again provided sales of their popular demand apparel line and provided gift packages to each of the singles event winners.

Sticky Fingers in Mt. Pleasant provided shuttle service to and from their facility, which was much appreciated by the TAP players, as they enjoyed their great food and atmosphere of their restaurant.

TAP Apparel showcased their new line of apparel coming out on the TAP Online store as well as their new full line of customized products they can do for TAP Players and their Licensees. 

North Park Grille provided discounts and lunch specials to the TAP players at their facility with 18 Pool Tables, Sports Bar with Large Screen TVs and Entertainment each night.

Sam Rullo, TAP Sales Director, provided tours of Pool Net to the players to show how to login to their member profiles, answer questions, and showed prospects in South Carolina what TAP has to offer in their areas.

Competition throughout the event was impressive.  Several “on the hill” matches were played by all.  Some great amateur play happened as some matches were live broadcast by Lavalinked, for the first time, testing out this new endeavor.

At the end of the week, the National Champions were crowned.

National 8 Ball Team Champions for 2012  - Terry’s All Stars , KS (Picture)
2nd Place – 14 Balls and A Pocket, NJ
3rd/4th Place – Finish Line, TX and Going the Distance, NY
5th-8th Place – Laughing Bear, OH; Tommy’s Sports Bar, PA;
             Team Punishment, OH;  Doyle Rules, NJ

National 9 Ball Team Champions for 2012 – R U Kidding Me?, TAP Canada (Picture)
2nd Place – George Lopez Crew, CO
3rd/4th Place – TAP Dat and Longhorns, PA
5th-8th Place – The Great Eight, GA; TOMF, WA; Pocket Monsters, FL, and
Muskrats, PA

Rally Blue Gray Dream Team Event Champions for 2012 – Don’t Laugh Your Next, NC (Picture)
2nd Place – White Hawk, PA
3rd/4th Place – Big Game Hunters, PA and TAP Toronto, Canada
5th – 8th Place – Smokin Mirrors, NY; Tommy’s Sport Bar II, PA; Jacobs Gun Slingers, PA and Northcoast TAP Destroyers, OH

Singles 2/3 8 Ball Champion – Kevin Adams, Jr., OH
Singles 4 8 Ball Champion – Amanda Karrip, MI
Singles 5 8 Ball Champion – Ron Beach, FL
Singles 6 8 Ball Champion – Gale Flick, Jr., PA
Singles 7 8 Ball Champion – Skyler Woodward, KY

Singles 2/3 9 Ball Champion – Omar Nassif, FL
Singles 4/5 9 Ball Champion – Bill Varkonyi, OH
Singles 6/7 9 Ball Champion – Rob Brandenburg, Canada

Congratulations to all of our National Champions for 2012!

TAP’s best of the best from all over the USA and Canada were getting ready for this TAP National event, when Hurricane Sandy came ashore.  What it revealed was several type of Champions, those that irregardless of what they had endured were coming to Nationals, those that were not affected reaching out to those that were and those that could not make it due to the devastation she played on their lives had endured and survived revealing the real hearts of the Champions they all are.

The Nationals went as scheduled, but it never left the TAP families mind of what each and every champion had gone through and continued to go thru as we were having the event..  Plans are being made to reach out to our brothers and sisters who could not be with us, in the weeks and months to come.

`         Don’t miss the excitement of TAP and it’s upcoming events, industry leading advancements in computer technology for amateur players and new formats, in an inverted pyramid company structure, that put’s its players on top.

Don’t have TAP where you are, don’t want to wait?  Interested in starting your own league now?  Call 1-800-984-7665 Ext. 2 to reach Sam Rullo TAP’s Sales Director and he will be more than happy to help you. 

Want more information about TAP?  Check out our website, www.tapleague.com; Facebook Page  - TAP, LLC Pools Amateur Tour and / or contact us, through our corporate office, at the Live Help desk, via email or IM.  Join the countless others that have been checking us out.

We look forward to hearing from you !   TAP ON !

What a great time visit our TAP Facebook for the winners and more photos.
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